Inner Odyssey / all about paradise
Wednesday night I was in mess
and I had sweety pies and nuts
then slept in 5 seconds
Can you wait the time?
No, I can't wait the time
It's so sorry to mama
I'm already in a car
*Always my mind
wants to wake me up, bring me up to a journey
(僕を目覚めさせて 旅に連れ出そうとしてる)
and someday
wants to catch me up, fly me up to a story
maybe your mind
wants to wake you up, bring you up to a journey
(君を目覚めさせて 旅に連れ出そうとしてる)
and somewhere
Don't stop me now I know it's a daydream
(今は僕を止めないで 空想だってわかってる)
All in my mind
Outside of you or inside of you?
(外側か 内側か)
Not matter
(Can you) wait the time?
No, I can't wait the time
It's so sorry to papa
I'm already in a car
So, my mind
wants to wake me up, bring me up to a journey
(僕を目覚めさせて 旅に連れ出そうとしてる)
and someday
wants to catch me up, fly me up to a story
maybe your mind
wants to wake you up, bring you up to a journey
(君を目覚めさせて 旅に連れ出そうとしてる)
and somewhere
Don't stop me now I know it's a daydream
(今は僕を止めないで 空想だってわかってる)
All in my mind

2020年 春
仲間ができた 笑って泣いた

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